Monday, June 4, 2012

Stus Learn to Swim

Kids in FL learn how to swim before they master walking... I was a serious slacker when it came to making Rea & Ri water safe. Rea took lessons when she was one and a half. And she hated every minute of them!

We have played around in the pool with the kids here and there. When we lived in Jupiter, we had a heated pool and we used it a fair amount. Now that we have shacked up at my parents' house, water safety is a MUST. Grammie and Grandpa have a pool and it is easy enough for the kiddos to get to it.

One of our friends from school recommended Miss Christina to us. The StuCrew munchkins have been going to swimming lessons for over a month now. And I am proud to report that Rea is a little fish! She is happily swimming the entire width of the pool using her big kickers and scoops (arms & hands). The only thing giving her a little difficulty right now are pop-ups and rolling from front to back. But I have no doubt that she will master both very soon.

Buddy is a terror in the pool. He LOVES it. The problem is that he has ZERO fear of it. He is like a poster child for ADD in the pool. One minute he will be monkey-crawling along the side, then he will spot a fly or something and simply let go of the wall. Oy. Sometimes it almost gives me a heart-attack. His other major issue is that he hardly closes his mouth. We count 1-2-3 and he smiles real big, mouth wide open then goes under.

More summer and swimming fun to come!

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