And to spend time with friends and family. December is usually super chaotic, hectic, expensive, awesome. And this one was no different.
I was (and Shane too) feverishly framing my heart out in order to satisfy the Christmas shopping rush. We had a record-breaking month! I am still floating a little on Cloud 9 from that.
The month started at Breakfast with Santa! The kids LOVED it! We went with some friends to the Ritz-Carlton in Jupiter. My kids never cease to amaze me... Ri loved Santa and practically jumped out of the chair into his arms. Rea actually cried - real tears. She thought she was on the Naughty List - she has had a snotty mouth on her as of late and has gotten in quite a bit of trouble. Santa was incredible and assured her that she is on the Nice List, in fact he checked the List twice that morning. Then all the world was right again and it was time to decorate gingerbread houses.

Then it was time to celebrate Rea's birthday at school with all of her friends and teachers. Pre-K tradition is for Mommy or Daddy to read a story to the class. Rea chose a book called Stormy; it's about a horse.
Buddy was a great big help in the frame shop. He played and played, destroying the store... sometimes it looked like a Toys R Us bomb went off in the office. But he was happy and poor guy had to spend quite a lot of time there.
I attempted to bake for a Pre-K Mommy Cookie Exchange party. My peanut butter blossoms were delicious. Actually, just typing this is making me want them.
We have a talented group of baking Mommies. All of the cookies were yummy.
I can't believe this girl is 5 this month!! It seems like only yesterday she was born. More on Rea later.
I flew to Gainesville to deliver a picture or two. Then about a week and a half later I made the drive up with a car full of frames. Woo hoo! I prefer flying.
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