Let me begin by saying that I LOVE my daughter. She is and will always be my special #1.
We have been having issues with our sweet girl. She seems to disappear every once in a while. And her body becomes possessed by Satan. Seriously. It's like one minute we are having this great conversation with a completely brilliant 5 year old, then BANG! She's a 15year old &^@#! and we have no idea what happened.
I have spent the last few months trying to figure out where this is coming from. In our life, there are 2 major things that happen to my 3 kids (Shane's included here). Major Meltdown happens when [1] they are StuHungry or [2] they are StuSleepy. StuHungry and StuSleepy are so called because well, the symptoms were directly inherited from Shane. Imagine yourself hungry or sleepy. Picture your irritability. Now multiply that by 1000, add screaming, a handful of tears, and a touch a lethargy. That's the Stu version of hungry and sleepy.
So, naturally, when the Devil joins us at home, I try to eliminate or at least diagnose StuHungry or StuSleepy. But recently, with Rea, it hasn't been either. There seem to be no real warning signs. No diagnosable symptoms.
I thought, oh crap. It must be me. Or Shane.
There have been two separate playdates in the past month or so with Rea's girlfriends. The other moms have all corroborated my Hell. Their little girls are occasionally and randomly possessed too.
Oh thank God. It's not just me! I can't tell you how happy I am to know that I am not the only who is experiencing this.
So, last night was really no different. It seemed to last longer. I knew part of this was that she was in the beginning stages of StuSleepy. So I sent her to bed about 1.5 hours early. She laid in her bed and I laid on the floor, as per our norm. And since she was feeling feisty, she kept mouthing off with all of these terrible comments. When I say terrible comments, I mean the 5 year old version, ok? Things like "You're such a poopyhead."
Then the whopper came out.
She said, clearly and with much malice, "You know, I don't have to be good. I don't have to use a kind voice like you want. No matter what I say or do, Santa never moves me to the Naughty List. I'm still going to get everything I will ask for for Christmas."
I had no response. I simply let her rant. She stopped about 5 minutes after that proclamation.
Looks like Elvis is coming out of hiding. I'll let you know how that works out.
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