Sunday, November 16, 2014

This Kid Totally Kills Me

Buddy has the funniest personality. I can't see into the future, but I would not be the least bit surprised if he is voted Class Clown in high school. The kid is an absolute nut. At our parent/teacher conference this semester, his teachers just laughed and laughed telling us silly Buddy stories. They think he'll be a writer when he grows up... I could see that too. Everything he does is accompanied by a story. The stories are really detailed and hysterical.

This morning, the kids were piled onto my bed. I was trying to get a minute or two of sleep before dragging my exhausted butt out of bed... Then Buddy launched into another anecdote. It was about a new character we had not previously heard of. Here's a snippet of the conversation:

Bud: Well he was looking crazy in the corner. My new friend. His name is Shampoohelloshampoo.

Rea: giggling

Me: Shampoo Hello Shampoo? That's funny.

Bud: I know. He's a funny guy. He looks weird.

Rea: His middle name is Hello? So people call him Shampoo Shampoo? Because people usually don't use other people's middle names.

Bud: No. His middle name is Bobby.

Rea & Me: laughing hysterically now

Me: Oh, so Shampoohelloshampoo is all one word? What's his last name?

Bud: Well, that's the strange part. His last name is Shampoohelloreagan.

Rea: nearly falls off the bed in hysterics. 

Me: So your friend's name is Shampoohelloshampoo Bobby Shampoohelloreagan? Wow. That's a mouthful.

Bud: I know, it's crazy. But that's his name.

Rea: It's so long... how does he write it on his papers at school?

Bud: Well, that's the hard part for him. He is learning to write really tiny letters.


Oh Buddy, I love your imagination. I love your conviction. I hope you don't ever lose this creativity. I hope that one day I am standing in a Barnes and Noble holding your best seller. You are the greatest storyteller I know. Rea and I love hearing about all of your friends, like Prince Buggyfan of Neverblue, King Boogerbutt, Kelvin, and Queen Picklejar.

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