Monday, June 20, 2011

Does the thought really count??

Yesterday was Father's Day. And I dropped the ball in a big way.

I am a fan of all holidays. Even the fake Hallmark ones. And I expect Shane to feel the same way. Shane and I were away for Mother's Day this year, but we still went out to eat with the kids when we returned home that night. And Rea picked out a great card.

Every time I think about this card, I laugh.

Shane did not fail me, even though he really does not like "silly holidays". He sees them as an excuse to spend money.

Well, I had Father's Day all planned. Shane had scheduled to take a half day of work on Saturday so he could help our friends at PBA with their event. And then he was going to hang with the boys for Danny's birthday party (the pics are epic). He swapped shifts with someone, so he could take Sunday off. I had Saturday planned with the kids... we were going to do arts and crafts for Daddy. Rea likes to make things, but the child cannot keep her trap shut. And it is for this reason that I was waiting until Saturday to make cards and pictures for Shane. I knew if we did them on Thursday, he would have heard about them on Thursday.

Well, Saturday at 6:30am, I went to get Ri out of his crib. He was burning up. Fever of 101.5. Joy. Then around 10am, I noticed some red dots on Ri's arms. 4 dots to be precise. Ri was crying, screaming, all together uncomfortable all day. Around dinner time, there were probably 30 dots randomly scattered on his body. I called the doctor. She said to come to the office in the morning if he has a fever during the night and if the dots don't disappear.

Anyone who has kids knows that there was no time for arts and crafts. And I didn't make it to Publix, Target, Hallmark, anywhere that sells cards. Truthfully, not a single Father's Day thought crept into my mind.

Shane, I am sorry you didn't get the Father's Day you were secretly hoping for. =) You are a great dad and the kiddies are lucky to have you.

dadden i love you, rea

Rea really typed the message above. =) Ri, Rea, & Mommy love you so much Dadden. You are awesome! Happy Father's Day!! Rea says, "You are my favorite."

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