I know I have said it before, but today it bears repeating.
I began writing this blog over a year ago because my sister Jack refused to have a Facebook page. Even though I tried to pressure her into it, she wouldn't. So I thought the blog would be a fun way to catalog our events, share silly stories, and give Jack access to view the pictures that I would have (and sometimes still do) put up on my Facebook account.
So, a few months ago, I was looking at someone's page. I think it was one of Jack's friends (I am "Facebook friends" with a handful of her actual friends). Anyway, I saw on a photo tag that Jack's name appeared. Naturally I was curious why her friend would tag her if she didn't exist on the social site. So I clicked on her name. And one of those ultra-private Facebook pages came up. You know the one, you can see NOTHING on their page, not even the profile picture. And then I clicked on the "Friend Request" button. I still wasn't sure if it was a real page.
After a while of no response I gave up and forgot about it. And kept writing/posting my blog because I didn't want Jack to miss anything happening with my Crew.
This morning, I went on Facebook, as so many of us do in the morning. And I was very surprised to see that my friendship request had been accepted by Jack. Hmmmm.... First, let me tell you, it has been MONTHS since I requested friendship. Second, this blog exists BECAUSE Jack DOESN'T have a Facebook account.
So I did what any good older sister would do. I called and gave her a piece of my mind. =)
Now, for those of you who are horrified that I chewed my sister out for this, let me assure you that I love her. And that I will still continue to write the StuCrew blog. And that I think this situation is simply hysterical.
And for Jack, let me tell you that I am going to go through my thousands of Facebook pics and tag you in ALL of them! HAHAHAHA! And I might post on your wall every single day (at least for a little while). Love you!!
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