Thursday, March 22, 2012

Some (belated) Spring Break Fun

Public schools are on spring break this week. But Rea had it last week. I had a wonderful time hanging out with my munchkins. Shane and I tried to slow down our work as much as we could for a few days. Sometimes it feels like I never see my awesome babies, unless I am dropping them off somewhere.

The last day of school before a week off, TBS had "Crazy Hat Day". The kids could wear any kind of hat... I took Rea with me on a business trip the day before Crazy Hat Day and while we were away, we stopped in Disney to pick out the perfect hat.

The festivities continued that Sunday when our church had its Friends & Family Day. We do it right with a bounce-house, cotton candy & snow cone machines!

I told Rea she could have one afternoon of undivided Mommy-time. Even though I feared what she would choose, I told her she could decide how we spent that afternoon too. She chose simple and inexpensive: scrapbooking & the beach.

So that's just what we did.

Ri had fun too. He was with us at the baseball game and zoo (but those have their own blog entries)... as well as most of the rest of the week. But Ri is in that stage right now where he would rather not have his picture taken. When he sees the camera (or phone) he runs up to take it away. He prefers to be the photographer, not the photographed.

I loved hanging out with my monsters. They are the cutest, sweetest, silliest munchkins I know. Shane and I thank God everyday for them.

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