Monday, July 11, 2011

I Just Like Spending Time With You

A rare thing this past weekend - both of my sisters were in town. Steph is home all the time, but Jack hasn't been home since:

And Jack's never seen our new pad or the frame shop. I was very excited to hang with both.

Anyway, when Jack does come into town, she always has a chinese take-out night with our grandparents. I invited myself. Mom thinks that because I wanted to hang with J & S it means I don't have any friends and should be pitied. Blah. (major eye roll) I just like spending time with you guys... Give me a break. According to Facebook, I have hundreds of friends. =)

Here are some highlights from the weekend:

Friday lunch at the mall

No, we did not dress alike on purpose. And Rea was not really mad... She likes making stinker faces and then looking at them later.

This just in: Poppy has a car!!

Naturally I won the Rummy game.

Saturday we had dinner at mom's. Crab legs. 9.5lbs of them! YUM!! Sunday included church, lunch at Cheesecake (taste the soup Zach) and an evening viewing of Megamind with Aunt Jack.

Now it's Monday morning and we are back to normal at the Stu Crew Residence - Shane is working, kids are watching Megamind and SCREAMING at each other, I am working on an IV of caffeine to help me get through the day.

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