Wednesday, August 22, 2012

And So Begins Another School Year...

It's that time again. School is (finally) back in session.

Rea's now in Pre-K. And she could not be more excited about it! Open House was a success. Rea's teachers both seem very sweet. And somehow we managed to get in with a LOT of friends - a very nice surprise!

That's nervous grumpy... =) 

Rocking like crazy with T in class! 
I know you can't tell, but Rea's got great friends at her table! 

She looks pretty happy here. =)

One of Rea's table friends, Abs... Rea bolted out of the picture. Stinker.

And all of a sudden, it was time for school to start!

Reagan, who almost never eats breakfast, requested pancakes this morning. And not just any pancakes, Star Wars pancakes. I tried, but they didn't turn out well. The pancakes stuck to the character molds and I was unable to get them off. In hindsight I should've used nonstick spray. Oh well. We settled for regular pancakes - with chocolate chips =)
They were yummy. 

Rea thought my generic sign needed a little decorating. 

Daddy & Rea on their way in for the first day of class!

Boyfriend & Shel are in Rea's class! Woo hoo! 

Clearly Rea is not a morning person. 
She relaxed and began quietly coloring.

After early pick up, a group of friends went out for food. And the munchkins ran around in the hot FL sun to get rid of some of that energy!
Goof balls.
All of the kids at lunch... at one point they each had a piece of technology in front of them. Ray Bradbury would be horrified.
C & Shel at lunch.

2 sweet girls! 

Little Shel =) 

C cracks me up! 

Refusing to look at Mommy for a pic. 

B having a mild meltdown... the heat was getting to everyone, not to mention lack of naps.

Awesome group of monsters. 

Seriously, no idea what's up with this face?!

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