Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Scattered Stus

Our schedule has been full - or at least it has felt that way - but by the photos (or lack of) that I have, it doesn't look like we've done much.

In the past week or so, Shane has come back from being at Bible camp, Rea took a sample gymnastics class, Ri was de-Biebered, I read the 50 Shades series and we worked. It has been a busy few weeks, but not much seemed "photo worthy".

Our future Olympian

Oh Zach, you are so pretty.

NOOOO.... I will not cuddle with Aunt Steph =) 

Impossible to tell if Rea liked my spaghetti

Cutest helper in the frame shop

Silly snuggle-bugs happy to have Daddy home

I'm famous! -- That's me on the bottom left with Cameron Wake (Miami Dolphins).

Justin Bieber, I mean Buddy Stu before his haircut.

Buddy after his haircut... I am really digging the blue mohawk!

Speaking of hawks, here's our hawk ripping a frog to shreds. That'll teach the frogs to swim in our pool! 
I look forward to having more interesting posts, stories and pics this week - my sister is coming to town, well actually both sisters are. It's almost Jack's bday. Woo hoo! Bring on the delicious food and awesome Dad stories!

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