Monday, November 5, 2012

Birthday Party Weekend!

My wonderful and awesome friend Wendy's birthday fell on a day that her hubby had to work at the fire station. And for some reason, she thought she was going to have to spend her special day alone. There was no way we were going to let that happen! And a surprise bday lunch at Grimaldi's was planned (they either love or hate us, we always come with at least 10 kids). 

Anyway, the surprise was a success! And we had a wonderful time! 

Happy birthday Wendy!!

Aren't they so cute? And little C hiding behind the pillar cracks me up!

Yes, that's Rea's bf snuggled up with her

Baby G is having a lovely chat with Amanda (BF's mom).

To close out the party weekend, we celebrated B's birthday on the Pirate Ship!

Ri was so excited! He loved his sword, although I have no idea what happened to it when we boarded. Once on the ship, Ri became very nervous. It wasn't until the 2nd half of the journey that he loosened up and began participating in all of the action.

Kiddos suiting up and tatting up (Rea got a starfish tattoo).

I love D! We can ALWAYS count on him to come in full costume!

My iPhone panoramic was a little wobbly due to the rocking of the boat. Sorry. 

I simply love these little kids!

Love! =)

Little pirates hoisting the flag

Birthday boy B & BF "Heave-Ho!"

They're so into it! It's awesome!

Buddy finally walks realizes we are floating... and there are "BUBBLES!!!" 

He was fascinated by the bubbles in the water. 

Buddy is in the middle, picking through Rea's loot.

Pretending to be seasick

Every once in a while, they act like they like each other. =)

Thanks for letting us celebrate your birthday with you B!! Hope you had a great day! We certainly did.

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